How to be happier in 2014 – Metro US

How to be happier in 2014

Here's another way to start the day off on the right foot. Credit: FogStock Here’s another way to start the day off on the right foot.
Credit: FogStock

How long have you been living a life that’s almost — but not quite — the one you dream about? So many of us spend years (or decades) longing to live a more fulfilling, exciting and authentic life. But old patterns and fearful beliefs hold us back.

It’s time to stop dancing around the perimeter of the person you are here to be. Dive in fully and completely! Start the new year off with the right attitude, energy and enthusiasm. Use these five tips to get started.

Find a resolution buddy
When you make a commitment to yourself and another person, you’re more likely to stick to the plan. Find a friend who wants to be your resolution buddy. You can support each other on your path. It’s really helpful if you share the same resolution and work together to maintain the positive change.

Say nice things to yourself: You’re the only one listening
Sometimes the biggest bully you know is you. This new year, become aware of the unkind ways you speak to yourself. Every thought is an affirmation, either supporting you or taking you down. Your thoughts speak louder than words and it’s time to use them wisely. Pay close attention to the negative thoughts you repeat over and over. Then do your best to reframe those thoughts in an empowering way. For instance, if you’re constantly thinking, “I’ll never reach my desired weight,” then reframe that thought to, “I am taking powerful steps toward my desired weight.” A simple shift in your thinking can create a miracle.

Start your day off right
Don’t check your email as soon as you wake up. Sit for at least one minute of stillness. Recite a positive affirmation, like, “I’m going to respect myself today,” or use one of my affirmations from the Spirit Junkie Affirmation Alarm Clock (www.gabbyb.tv/spirit-junkie-app). And avoid watching the news for at least an hour. You want to detox at the beginning of the day, before the chaos sets in.

Focus on what makes you feel good
One simple way to energize your life, create more time and be more productive is to feel inspired. When you focus on what is joyful, you bring more joy into your life. Take time to engage in your hobbies, read inspiring books or listen to music that you love

Expand your inner awareness
All of my books and lectures have one common theme: When we strengthen our inner awareness, our outer experience becomes miraculous. This new year, accept that as you slow down and tune into your own inner guidance system, you’ll receive all the power and resources you need to flourish. Stop looking outside yourself for answers. Begin a meditation practice and expand your inner awareness with my free guided meditations at www.gabbyb.tv/free-meditation.

Real, lasting change — the kind that allows you to launch and sustain the life you dream of — requires you to immerse yourself in your desires, let go of negative patterns and do it all with openness, structure and support. Happy New Year!