Eight observations about the new Gaga single ‘Judas’ – Metro US

Eight observations about the new Gaga single ‘Judas’

Metro’s future colleague Lady Gaga released her latest single, “Judas,” on iTunes today after some sneaky leakers got a hold of it.

Some observations:

»Has Gaga found religion, or is this one of those “metaphor” things we’ve heard so much about? “Jesus is my virtue / But Judas is the demon I cling to,” makes us think it’s the latter. (Judas wasn’t a demon, duh!)

»In terms of quasi-Gregorian chants, “Ju-das, Ju-da-ah-ah” is the poor man’s “Ra-ra ah-ah-ah, ra-ma ra-ma-ma, Ga-ga ooh-la-la.”

»What accent is Gaga using in this? I’m detecting a little Jamaican patois, which: weird. Better that than the odd European one she had on “Alejandro,” though. Right?

»We’re not actually in love with this hook? But we said the same thing about “Alejandro” and now we love it, so we reserve the right to change our minds.

»We don’t think we’re ever going to like the rapping section, though: “But in the cultural sense / I just speak in future tense / Judas kiss me if offenced / or wear an ear condom next time.”

»Or the “ew” at 2:48.

»We cannot get enough of those chunky synths, though. Especially in that dubstep-y break at 2:40.

»We can’t help but think, though, that Gaga’s gotten to a point where it may not matter what her songs sound like; they’re just loss-leaders for the videos. Already there are breathless reports online about how Gaga’s creative director nearly walked off the “Judas” video set because it was so offensive to her Christian beliefs. We can’t wait!