‘Hot Problems’ rivals Rebecca Black’s ‘Friday’ as worst song in the world – Metro US

‘Hot Problems’ rivals Rebecca Black’s ‘Friday’ as worst song in the world

We thought if we remained still and quiet, and didn’t make any sudden movements, it might go away. But it didn’t…..

The YouTube music video “Hot Problems” began popping up on Twitter feeds and Facebook timelines a few days ago. Hopelessly, we prayed it would go back to where ever it came from, but instead it went everywhere.

The now-viral video depicts two heavily made-up tweens who don’t even try to sing. They apparently took a cue from Paris Hilton’s last “music video” and decided “spoken word” was adequate enough. We can’t decided if this is a good thing or a bad thing.

“Hot girls, we have problems, too, we’re just like you… except we’re hot,” the girls say (seriously, that’s a lyric).

Much like Rebecca Black in her horrific music video “Friday,” the “hot girls “spend a lot of their video in a car. It’s far less professional looking than “Friday” (which was half of the mysticism surrounding that song). Even the production company that uploaded “Hot Problems,” seems restful of the song.

“Old Bailey Productions did not create any of the audio or lyrics for this video. We produced the video as a favor,” the company said below the video.

But, nearing 2 million hits on YouTube, the song has captured the attention of baffled and horrified internet users across the country.

“If You EVER Wanna Torture/Punish Someone Jus Rock Out To This,” one user tweeted.

“If you can relate to this video, re-analyze your life. #HotProblems,” another added.

A world that once believed down to its core that “Friday” was the worst song ever is now rocked by this new revelation. This begrudged internet sensation has totally blown our minds…. and the Twitter machine is proving it.

“wait…#hotproblems…. Rebecca Black new #respect,” one user said, in reference to the newly crowned worst song ever.

With a tweet like that, you know it’s bad. Both songs are below. Which one takes the gold as worst song in the history of the world: “Hot Problems” or “Friday”?