Howard Stern has all your Jennifer Aniston wedding details – Metro US

Howard Stern has all your Jennifer Aniston wedding details

Howard Stern has all your Jennifer Aniston wedding details
Getty Images

Wish you knew more about the big surprise wedding Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux threw themselves last week? Howard Stern is here to help. The radio host and his wife made the super-selective guest list, and Stern was more than happy to divulge details once back at his day job. Like for instance, were they duped into thinking they were just going to a birthday party? “That was all horses—. Some people were left out of it, but they contacted us and said, ‘Look, please don’t tell anyone,'” Stern reveals. “They’re so secretive, those two.”

RELATED:Guys. Jennifer Aniston got married.

Stern was apparently a big part of the happy couple’s to-do, as they even drafted him into giving a speech — about which he says he was “f—ing miserable” — and invited him and his wife to come along on their honeymoon to Bora Bora. But he had to decline that one. “I put my foot down,” he says. “I said, ‘Beth, I’m going home.’ I was invited but look, I got to get home,'” And if he hadn’t, he wouldn’t be able to share all this now.

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