Kim Kardashian’s pregnancy demands appropriately Kim Kardashian-ish – Metro US

Kim Kardashian’s pregnancy demands appropriately Kim Kardashian-ish

Kim Kardashian’s pregnancy demands appropriately Kim Kardashian-ish

Maybe thisdoesn’t really count as news, butKim Kardashian is being more than a little demanding as she settles into being pregnant again. I mean, this is Kim Kardashian we’re talking about, after all. Not exactlythe pinnacle of easygoing, low-maintenanceladies.But apparently, even though she’s not the most reasonable person on a normal day and has already done the whole pregnancy before, this one is really standing out.

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“She’s started requesting that a chair be on hand at all times in case she gets tired of standing,” a source tells In Touch. “She’s also requesting to only fly private so she can have room to sprawl out — and because she doesn’t want others around.” I mean, I don’t see how that’s necessarily pregnancy-specific. I would love coushy private jet travel and an at-the-ready chair at all times, and I’m pretty sure I’ll never be in the family way.

But wait, there’s more! “She also has designer clothing custom-tailored — even jeans — to fit her pregnant body and make her look her best,” the source adds. “She’s really going to extremes this time.” Sounds delightful.

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