Sarah Paulson defends her romantic life – Metro US

Sarah Paulson defends her romantic life

Sarah Paulson defends her romantic life

Sarah Paulson recently went public about her relationship actress Holland Taylor, and more than a few folks have been making light of the age difference between the two women. Well, you know what? Paulson ain’t having it. Or at least, she sounds a bit testy when discussing the idea that your romantic life is your own damn business, thank you very much.

“I believe that everyone should be allowed to speak their truth and just say what they want to say and show the world who they are,” she tells the aggressively named NO TOFU magazine. “You should be able to love whomever you f—ing well please.”

To put it mildly. But Paulson is at least touched — if a bit baffled — by how much strangers care who she’s dating. “There was so much celebration about my relationship,” she says. “So much so that I thought, Jesus, did everyone just assume I was going to be alone forever with 500 cats?” Hey, you said it, not us.