Geek Girl in Hollywood: Fall 2016’s best new TV shows – Metro US

Geek Girl in Hollywood: Fall 2016’s best new TV shows

Geek Girl in Hollywood: Fall 2016’s best new TV shows

Everyone is heading back to school this week, and despite the fact that I’ve been out of school for years, the lead-up to fall brings out certain things in me — like the overwhelming desire to buy a Kylo Ren notebook and a pack of new pens. I’m also excited for fall TV.

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Of course, TV doesn’t work the way it did when I was a kid. Sure, there’s a fall season, but there are summer shows and spring shows and winter shows. There are shows that stream and “force” me to marathon them. There are shows I heard about once around this time last year, only to find out they are still on the air. I’m just ready to sit down with some popcorn and revel in what is still the blockbuster season of television.

Here’s a small sampling of my must-see TV:

I’ve been completely riveted by Netflix’s Marvel series. Daredeviltotally blew me away with its grittiness, its heart and its stars. Jessica Jones was glorious; it proved — and oh my god, why do we still have to prove — that a female comic book lead can be a mainstream success. It also introduced the intriguing Luke Cage, who is getting his own self-titled show. Mike Coulter did a bang-up job with the role (pun intended), and I’m dying to see what’s next for the character.

Despite the fact that these shows (and Iron Fist) are leading up to a crossover series in The Defenders, each one has a distinct style, and after that Comic-Con trailer — well, I’d better just let my bosses know I’ll be very, very ill on Sept. 30.

Yes, I know Fox’s The Rocky Horror Picture Showis a one-night thing, and I’m not even a fan of live TV musicals. I did musical theater for years, and I just don’t think broadcast television does these plays justice. That said, this is one of my favorites, and knowing that we’re going to see Laverne Cox as Dr. Frank-N-Furter and Tim Curry (the original Frank) as the Criminologist has me ready to jump in on Oct. 20.

In the silliness department, I’m dying to watch Son of Zorn, which has an animated beefcake warrior living in real-world Southern California. The endless promos on the Fox app for once got me more excited than annoyed. (Sept. 25)

Then there is The Good Place(Sept. 19). I’m not always a huge fan of networks, but after the past few months, I’m looking for something to make me laugh, and NBC’s trailer is kind of cute.

Finally, I’d looking forward to Timeless, with the promising premise that someone stole a time travel device, and they’re about to mess up the world. (Oct. 3)

What new shows are you looking forward to? Tweet me @JennaBusch and let me know!

Follow Jenna Busch on Twitter@jennabuschand visit her site,Legion of Leia