8 ways to eat healthy – Metro US

8 ways to eat healthy

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1. Coconut oil
“More than 50 percent of its fatty acids are of medium chain triglycerides, which has even led to coconut oil being compared to breast milk. These are directly metabolized in the liver and are readily used as energy, so they do not accumulate in the body as fat (not involved in lipogenesis). They also increase the formation of ketone bodies, which help decrease appetite. Extra virgin coconut oil, which is 100 percent natural, is white and solid, like butter. It should be consumed in a solid state or after melting (not in a microwave). It is used for seasoning, baking and frying; it is not degraded by heat, thus retaining all its properties.

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2. Essential Tea Tree Oil
Tea Tree has been used for centuries for its medicinal properties. “The oil has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties; it strengthens the immune system and helps prevent or treat flu-like states. It is used to treat fungal infections to combat lice and acne. Tea tree has also been described for helping fight dandruff, and serves both oily and dry hair,” says Dr. Catherine Silva. It also has other more domestic type uses: for example, a few drops in the washing machine leaves clothes with a fresh scent, and when mixed with water becomes an eco-friendly cleaner.

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3. Lemon (juice and peel)
It is certainly one of the oldest, most effective and inexpensive remedies. “It’s important to maintain a proper pH in our blood,” points out the Terré Clinic specialist. Ours usually fluctuates between 7.35 and 7.45 – slightly alkaline – and our body, through different mechanisms, tries to keep it at these levels. However, our diet can increase acid levels, leading to disease, cancer and premature aging. If you introduce an alkaline product into your body, you can keep the organism oxygenated, healthy and able to prevent various diseases. While lemon is a food with an acidic taste, its effect on the body is alkaline. In Ayurvedic medicine, it is recommended to start the day with a glass of warm water with a few drops of lemon juice. Furthermore, its concentration of vitamin C has an excellent antioxidant effect, which helps fight aging and improves skin quality.”

4. Quinoa
Did you know it is considered a super food by the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization)? Among its many properties, Silva noted that “it is a seed like chia and flaxseed, but given its properties, it can be used as we use rice or other grains. So, in addition to providing various vitamins and minerals, it is high in protein, fiber, Omega 3 and six fat levels. It contains no gluten and has a low glycemic index, which makes it an excellent food for those who suffer from celiac disease, insulin resistant or diabetic patients, and vegans. Among its properties, quinoa also aids in digestion, improves cholesterol levels and therefore helps decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease.”

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5. Algae
“In addition to providing vitamins and minerals, algae has an important body cleansing function. Algae has an important alkalizing effect; it’s a powerful health protector and contains plenty of fiber, so it helps with digestion and satiety. Because of its iodine content, it can help the metabolism by acting on the thyroid gland; therefore, patients with hyperthyroidism should not eat seaweed.” For its ease of use, the most consumed algae is spirulina. It’s rich in protein and chlorophyll, making it an ideal supplement for juices, smoothies, salads or soups.

6. Oats
These are our digestive system’s best friend. The cereal is a natural remedy against allergies, with high fiber levels, vitamins, minerals, Omega 3, and it also contains protein. It helps to lower cholesterol and prevents heart disease. Like quinoa, oats are rich in protein, which slows the absorption of carbohydrates, making it a good food for diabetics because it causes satiety”. However, Dr. Silva stresses that “it is a caloric food, so if you want to lose weight, it should be consumed in small portions.”

7. Turmeric and Ginger
“Both have been used for centuries in Indian medicine, and have excellent anti-inflammatory properties if consumed regularly. They have been noted for producing a positive effect in preventing liver diseases, in treating irritable bowel syndrome, gastric distress and improving immunity, among many other properties. If you have a sore throat, you can gargle with turmeric. Another classic way to eat it is in curry.” Ginger can also be used for cooking or in teas or shakes, and it is indeed a very useful natural remedy to relieve nausea from chemotherapy or pregnancy, as well as in the treatment of stomach diseases.

8. Shiitake
“It’s a fungus widely used for its properties in traditional Chinese medicine. It provides low calories and a high level of amino acids, and thus helps produce satiety. Shiitake also strengthens the immune system by helping prevent allergies and flu-like illnesses. Shiitake also provides fiber and has good antioxidant power, which is reflected not only in preventing premature aging, but also in cardiovascular, degenerative diseases and cancers,” Dr. Silva concludes.