60 seconds with … the Delivery Man – Metro US

60 seconds with … the Delivery Man

Metro talks to Kurt Boone, author of recently released memoir “Asphalt Warrior,” about being a New York City foot messenger:

What’s the wackiest thing you’ve ever delivered?

Pet food. Sometimes I do a run for the designer Ralph Lucci and it’s 20 pounds of pet food.

What’s the most difficult part of being a messenger?

Deliveries and pickups for the super rich. They kind of treat us as non-important. The doorman just gives you a funny look … that means go into the back entrance.

How has being a messenger changed?

Back in the early ‘90s, a lot of the big commis­sions that we did were for models. We used to get a lot of work just going from advertising agencies carrying their portfolios. That part is completely gone because everything is online.

Would you recommend messengering as a career?

If you’re going to college, and you’re not sure what you want to do, the messenger industry is perfect. You get to see a lot of different industries.

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