Video: Gay man shouts back at subway preacher – Metro US

Video: Gay man shouts back at subway preacher

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How many times have you been on the subway and someone comes in preaching about God, Jesus and the Bible. How many times has it been hateful?

A video has been making its way around the web showing just that: a hateful preacher attacking homosexuality.

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Most people would just turn up the music playing through their earphones and wait until he moves to another train. Not this straphanger, though.

The man wearing the khaki coat and big hat in the video stood up to the man “preaching” about religion and homosexuality.

The two and a half minute video isn’t the best quality but toward the end you can hear the young man say, “I’m a man, and I’m a good man. And I’m a gay man and Jesus loves me! Jesus loves me!”

His fellow commuters seemed to love him, too. The passengers gave the anonymous man that stood up to hate a round of applause.

Follow Mary Ann Georgantopoulos on Twitter @marygeorgant