A novel way to save the Earth? Go to bed nude – Metro US

A novel way to save the Earth? Go to bed nude

Vanessa Farquharson made some hard decisions in the year she made 366 green changes. “Sleeping Naked is Green” tells, with humor, how green we can become.

“I set up a blog and came up with the idea to overhaul my life in the most extreme green way possible,,” explains the 30-year-old journalist.

What kind of reactions did you get to the blog?

Mostly positive. When I wrote about significant changes, such as selling my car, everyone would congratulate me; but if I did something more negligible, like switching to organic lip gloss, people would often claim that I was just doing the blog for publicity or a book deal, which was not true at all.

Can you explain the title?

If you aren’t using pajamas, you’re creating less laundry and therefore require less detergent and water. But it also depends on whether you end up turning your thermostat up more … and whether it means you have to change your sheets more often.

You made some radical changes.

Most of my ideas were just common sense — driving a car contributes to global warming, toilet paper requires cutting down trees, tampons use bleach and disposable plastic packaging. So I used a bike, I used a water bottle and cotton cloths every time I went for a pee, and used the Diva Cup (a reusable silicone menstrual cup) instead of tampons.