Campaigns we’ll donate to: Pet Lovers for Obama – Metro US

Campaigns we’ll donate to: Pet Lovers for Obama

I am an established and historic sucker for all things dogs.

Two notes in to that Sarah McLaughlin song and I’m scrambling for the remote and/or my credit card. Four-hour-long Academy Awards telecasts are worth it for a glimpse of Uggie in a bow-tie. Slap a shih-tzu on that magazine cover and it’s going in the cart.

But this morning, I took a leap: I will, apparently, donate to your campaign if you promise me photos of your Portuguese Water Dog.

After clicking on a NYTimes.com ad for “Pet Lovers to Obama,” I arrived to the only fundraising page I’ve ever been interested in:

When we’ve shared photos of Bo over the last few months, we’ve learned two things. One, there are a lot of First Dog fans out there. Two, there is an enthusiasm for this campaign that extends to the furriest members of your families.

That’s why we’ve launched Pet Lovers for Obama, a special way for pet lovers like you to be a part of this campaign.

Say you—and your pets—are in for 2012 now.

Murph and I are, indeed, now in (Stellaluna and Oscar are Republicans).

Was I going to vote for Obama anyway? Yes. But I’ve never made a campaign donation before, and I wasn’t looking to hand over all of my contact info — probably because I’ve already received three e-mails thanking me and asking me to volunteer/donate again/pledge my firstborn.

Here’s hoping Santorum doesn’t start a kitten blog.