Common triggers for headaches – Metro US

Common triggers for headaches

Headaches can be hard to deal with and even harder to get rid of. Here are some things that can trigger the onset of headaches.

  1. Hormone imbalance Women can be prone to headaches or migraines just before their periods are due. This indicates that a hormonal imbalance is present.
  2. Dehydration Lack of water can cause headaches. Ensure you are drinking enough by monitoring the colour of your urine, if you are properly hydrated your urine will be a light yellow. Remember, tea and coffee are diuretics so they will actually dehydrate you.
  3. Food allergies Some people have intolerances to certain foods or to chemicals like MSG found in some processed foods. Others have intolerances to aspartame in fizzy drinks and these can bring on headaches or migraines.
  4. Low blood sugar A drop in blood sugar can cause a headache or migraine. To avoid this eat every three hours, avoid refined sugary products and always have a quality protein with every meal or snack.
  5. Stress/tension Can cause restriction of blood flow to the head resulting in a headache or migraine. Try to relax your shoulders, neck and jaw muscles and find ways to cope with your stress.

For more of Michele’s tips go to: thenutrition-professional.co.uk