Sea Life London aquarium has a fish that loves eating chips – Metro US

Sea Life London aquarium has a fish that loves eating chips

Hungry?  Via Metro World News Hungry?
Credit: Matt Haworth, SEA LIFE London Aquarium

It’s not just children who have a liking for unhealthy snacks, as the giant gourami fish proves with her penchant for prawn cocktail-flavor snack Skips.

The crisp-addicted Osphronemus goramy called Gerty is going cold turkey at her home in the Sea Life London aquarium. The curator Jamie Oliver chats fish food and the importance of a balanced diet.

Metro: As far as you’re aware, how did the giant gourami become addicted to crisps, or chips?

Oliver: We think Gerty’s unhealthy habit began with her previous owner who fed her Skips as part of her diet.

Is there any nutritional value in a pack of crisps for a giant gourami?

Very little! We do not recommend anyone giving crisps of any kind to fish.

How do you go about weaning a fish off such an unorthodox diet?

We only offered her the correct fruit and vegetable alternatives likes spinach leaves, grapes and banana. You could say it was a cold turkey approach.

What other bizarre fish diets have you come across?

A few years ago, we had another giant gourami called Gary who had a fondness for the chocolate bar Kit Kat. Actually, we successfully managed to get him back on a healthy diet, too.

How can gourami owners check the health of their fish?

Owners should observe the characteristics of their fish, so that any change in their pet’s behavior will alert them to potential health problems.

Are there any telltale signs of illness?

A lack of appetite can be an early sign that something is not quite right. In addition, labored swimming and poor skin condition can also be signs of health problems.