Sex, sex, sex!!! Woooeee! Yay! – Metro US

Sex, sex, sex!!! Woooeee! Yay!

Re: “MTV ad for The Real World Denver,” Dec. 20:

Great ad!!!

I’m glad to see that the Metro and MTV are pushing the boundaries of social decency.

With just a few more ads like this one, each increasingly racier, we’ll finally get rid of the concepts of morality and public decency all together.

Woooeee! If it feels good, do it, right? Sex, sex, sex!!! Yay! Get it while you can, wherever you can, from whomever you can, just like they apparently do in “The Real World Denver”!

I’m also thrilled that this ad and TV show are directly aimed at society’s teens and young adults.

This is exactly the kind of television programming society clearly needs more of.

Keep up the good work, folks!