You might get unfriended on Facebook for political rants – Metro US

You might get unfriended on Facebook for political rants

There are plenty of reasons you might get unfriended on Facebook: You’re annoying, you’re depressing, you’re creepy or you’re just boring.

But since it’s an election year, tis the season for political rants on social networks, which can definitely also get you unfriended, according to a study by the Pew Research Center.

It turns out, most people will just disagree without comment, but 9 percent of social network users have blocked, unfriended, or hidden someone because they posted something about politics or issues that they disagreed with or found offensive. But people don’t necessarily have to disagree with you to want to defriend you — 10 percent of users have blocked, unfriended, or hidden someone simply because that person posted too frequently about political subjects.

Like so many of the elements shared through Facebook, political views often prompt shock among fellow users. The study found that 38 percent of people have discovered through a friend’s posts that his/her political beliefs were different than they originally thought.

Not surprisingly, the people who most frequently make political comments on Facebook tend to sit at opposite ends of the political spectrum, hence putting themselves at higher risk for the dreaded unfriend.

So before you share that rant on Facebook, ask yourself: What’s more important — your right to rant or having Facebook friends to read your rant?