Boss sets unrealistic goals – Metro US

Boss sets unrealistic goals

Q: I work on a customer service team that often takes on tasks for other departments in the company.

My boss has offered our services to complete a project that we are not qualified to do.

She has a close personal relationship with our director and human resource department, and we feel that any approach to them will be ignored, may result in poor treatment and/or impact our job security.

What do we do? We tell her we aren’t qualified, but she doesn’t listen.

Do we tell the head directors or simply wait for things to crash?

A: Dan, sometimes regardless of how many warning signs we give others, they only acknowledge them after they’ve fallen in the hole.

It’s been my experience that, for some, falling is the only way for them to realize their decisions just aren’t the right ones. It’s a harsh but effective teaching method.

Your only logical steps are to talk with your boss, which you’ve done and to mention this to the head directors.

While you might be right and the head directors might ignore your concerns, they just might not.

Furthermore, for your own protection, having documentation that you told them about your concerns goes a long way should you and other employees be blamed when the project is a bust.

Now, since your boss and the big wigs have a great relationship you’ve got to be careful how you voice your concerns.

Maybe while you are explaining to the head directors that you all just aren’t qualified you might want to recommend the company cover the costs of training to help your team obtain the skills necessary for the project.

It has been my experience that for every problem you bring to your employer, it always looks great on you when you can match it with a possible solution.

At the end of the day should none of your strategies work you must remember that they are paying YOU and if they are happy with sub-standard work on projects that their employees aren’t qualified to perform — and you are content in giving it to them — then give them exactly what they are paying you for and smile all the way to the bank!

Good luck.


jill’s tip of the week

Some employers complete Facebook searches for potential employees before offering interviews, so be careful what you post on these types of sites. Consider limiting who can view your profile should you think any materials might be questionable.