If you want a low license plate, MassDOT’s lottery is underway – Metro US

If you want a low license plate, MassDOT’s lottery is underway

If you want a low license plate, MassDOT’s lottery is underway

It’s that time of year again, or something?

The Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles is accepting applications for its annual low license plate lottery, which is kind ofcool, in a way, if you’d like a really short license plate, for whatever reason.

In a statement, MassDOT Registrar Erin Deveney called the lottery “our customers’ favorite time of the year at the RMV,” which, somehow. . .still doesn’t sound that great.

Available low plates include 1H, 7J41Z, Q49, X77, 1972, and 2007, a Boston.com report noted. Nice.

As you can imagine, the competition to securethe bragging rights for these eye-catching status symbols will be fierce—MassDOT reportedly said they receive upwards of 6,800 applications each year.

Okay. Why though?

“Low number plates are always of interest,” a MassDOT spokesperson told Bostinno in 2012. “It’s difficult to say precisely what motivates each customer to apply for a chance at the coveted low numbers. It could be one of the available numbers has personal significance or maybe the driver has always wanted a license plate number that is short and easy to remember.”

If you’d like to experience the thrill firsthand, those interested can—for the first time ever!—sign up for the lottery on the registry’s website. While there’s no fee to apply, winners will still need to pay for their license plate, and renew it every two years.

The deadline for submission is August 26, 2016, with winners’ announced on the RMV’s website this Sept. 15.

Rock on, fun havers.