“Comic books are about more than just superheroes” – Metro US

“Comic books are about more than just superheroes”

Carleton law professor George Rigakos is creating a four-part comic book series that features the original words of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels as expressed in the Communist Manifesto. The first volume is now available.

Why should more people read the Communist Manifesto?

It’s considered one of the most important works in human history and has had a significant effect on the development of human civilization, especially in the last century. To not know what is at the core of what has mobilized hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people… is a mistake.

Does it really lend itself to a comic book?

Next year, I’m hoping to incorporate it into one of my courses on police and capital. I think it would do particularly well in an introduction to political science-type course… The format is more contemporary, interesting and colourful to engage students.