Contain your life’s chaos – Metro US

Contain your life’s chaos

What is a good new year’s resolution for something I can do within my house? – Suzy Homemaker

Dear Suzy Homemaker:

After giving this very question some thought just a few weeks ago, I personally decided to call 2012 “the year of the container”.

So what does this mean? Well for those of you who know me, I love to use containers to hold things.

Containers keep my cupboards as organized and clean as possible.

For example, my shoe shine kit has a small container all of its own — it holds everything I could ever want or need to do with my shoes, including extra shoe laces.

My wrapping paper, last season’s clothing and even new toiletries are all in containers.

So my suggestion for you is to re-organize your personal life with clean well-organized containers that are all labelled!

This helps keep cupboards organized and offers you easy access when you need your important stuff!

• Got a question? Send an Email to askcharlesthebutler@metronews.ca