Do you still love Harry Styles now that you know he has four nipples? – Metro US

Do you still love Harry Styles now that you know he has four nipples?

Harry Styles Dunkirk New York City Premiere

Harry Styles just made the ultimate sacrifice, like a major, super newsworthy, very brave sacrifice. He confirmed the existence of nipples number three and four. Wowee!

The “Dunkirk” star hung out with Chelsea Handler on “Chelsea” where he revealed not only that he has extra junk in the front, but also the location of said, um, junk.

There’s a rumour on the internet that you have four nipples,” said Chelsea. “Have you heard that?”

“Correct,” Harry replied.

“Oh. You do?”




Crazy, right!? Damn, Harry Styles is a brave, brave dude. To be fair, though, Handler did tell the 23-year-old that he was only allowed one-word answers, so.  

Beyond this beautiful, brave admission, Styles has been on the road to post One Direction dreaminess for a while now. Even this writer, a woman on the edge of 30, can not deny his charms. In May, he talked about his sexuality, saying he has like, nothing to hide.  There’s nothing quite like a maybe pansexual dude to get the ol’ engine reved up. “Being in a creative field, it’s important to be progressive,” he said. “It’s weird for me — everyone should just be who they want to be… I don’t feel like [my sexual orientation] is something I’ve ever felt like I have to explain about myself.” Hashtag swoon.

Also he posts pretty good things on his Instagram. Look! 


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Anyway, he’s doing this all for “Dunkirk” probably, so go ahead and watch it in a theater near you. It’s apparently very good. 

Follow Rachael Vaughan Clemmons on Twitter — @rachaelclemz