Romney got more airtime at the DNC than RNC this year – Metro US

Romney got more airtime at the DNC than RNC this year

Romney got more airtime at the DNC than RNC this year

Time heals all wounds — even in politics.

Four years ago, Mitt Romney took the stage at the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida, to accept his party’s nomination for president, telling attendees that Democratic policies “crushed the middle class” and threatened the future of America.

This year, that same former Massachusetts governor had more airtime at the Democratic convention than the GOP’s event, andwith a very different message.

While Romney hasn’t endorsed Clinton, clips from his highly-publicized March 3 speech at the University of Utah last March were included in a montage featuring other political leaders and experts questioning Republican Donald Trump’s capacity to become president.

“He has neither the temperament nor the judgment to be president,” Romney said in one clip.

“Mr. Trump’s bombast is already alarming our allies and fueling the enmity of our enemies,” he continues in another.

You can watch the full video below:

Clinton also retweeted last month this earlier message from Romney, who tweeted it the morning of his remarks at Utah University.

Trump, as readers might expect, has been less than enthused with Romney’s public thrashings of his campaign.

“Poor Mitt Romney. I have a store that’s worth more money than he is,” Trump said in Anaheim, California last May, adding Romney “choked like a dog” in the 2012 election.