10 things Verizon could buy for $4 billion that are also from the 90s – Metro US

10 things Verizon could buy for $4 billion that are also from the 90s

News broke on Tuesday that Verizon was set to buy former internet giant, AOL, for a relatively paltry $4 billion.

AOL was a giant of the 90s and dominated much of the early internet business. It’s dominance of the market helped burn the “iconic” drone of dial up forever into memory of Americans.

The New York Times

Verizon is billing the deal as a way for the company to expand its video offerings. Already a leader in distributing mobile video through its robust national mobile phone network, Verizon is making a push to become a leader in so-called over-the-top video, shorthand for television content distributed through the Internet.

But in acquiring AOL, Verizon is buying much more than websites that host streaming content. Along with its video and online advertising technology, AOL owns The Huffington Post, a sprawling collection of international news websites with growing traffic.

It also manages a dwindling but profitable dial-up Internet business, providing online access for those who live in areas too remote to have broadband, or who never canceled their subscriptions.

Here are ten other things from the 90s that Verizon could have bought for $4 Billion.