Cher make a comeback: Ten fun facts about the diva – Metro US

Cher make a comeback: Ten fun facts about the diva

Cher still looks pretty great for 67. Credit: Fred Prouser/Reuters Cher still looks pretty great for 67.
Credit: Fred Prouser/Reuters

Cher hasn’t recorded an album in over a decade, but the diva has been very busy lately promoting her new album, “Closer to the Truth,” which hits stores tomorrow. She performed her lead single “Woman’s World” on the “Today Show” and has been making the media rounds as part of her big comeback – and she has a lot to say. Here are 10 fun facts to bring you up to speed on everything Cher.

1. She is her own harshest critic: After her Today show performance earlier today, Cher took herself to task on Twitter. She responded to her fans’ praise of her singing and tweeted: “Guess IT Wasn’t As Bad As I Thought? Wait,Let Me Rephrase THAT…I Diidnt Hit Notes,Hit Some Fat, Sharp, Missed BRIDGE on IHYFI, PPL R KIND.” She later clarified that she meant flat, not fat. Cher also told both the “Today Show” and “CBS Sunday Morning” that she is “not a huge Cher fan.”

2. Speaking of Twitter, Cher is on it all day: Typos be damned, no celeb can tweet up a storm like Cher can. She just tweeted a week ago that she can’t handle anything more technologically advanced than a rubber band, but that hasn’t stopped her from tweeting style tips, happy birthday messages to fans and a running commentary on her daily life.

3. She’s a mama’s girl: And proud of it. Along with her album, Cher will release a documentary for purchase tomorrow called, “Dear Mom, Love Cher.” The diva originally planned to make a 16-minute video tribute to her 87-year-old mother, Georgia Holt, incorporating old tapes of an album Holt recorded, but never released, in 1980. The video turned into an hour long documentary that aired on Lifetime in May.

4. She hates being “old”: Cher doesn’t look her age, but she certainly feels it. She has told interviewers and tweeted before that she’s 100 or a million years old, but she’s actually 67. She told CBS, “People are so shocked that I say I don’t like getting older, because I think you’re supposed to say, ‘Oh, I’m better than ever, and it’s great, and blah, blah, blah. Unh-uh. Not happening for me.”

5. She turned down the chance to sing at the upcoming Olympics: Cher is anti-discrimination and she’s not happy about Russia’s stance on LGBT citizens. She said she was asked to open the Olympics show in Sochi and declined due to the country’s treatment of gays.

6. She didn’t like Miley Cyrus’ VMAs act: She told CBS she doesn’t have a problem with out-there performances or aesthetics, but she does have a problem with “things done badly.” She said of the performance, “Outfit, terrible. Dancing, terrible. Singing, average. Performance, terrible.” It’s not the first time she’s talked trash about Miley, and she half-apologized for a similar remark to USA Today on Twitter: “What I should have said,”I didn’t like it that much,but she’s Pushing The Envelope,being an ARTIST ! She’s Talented,& DIDNT COMMIT A FELONY.” Then again, she did slam Cyrus’ performance again on CBS.

7. She is a fan of both Clintons: Count Cher in for Hillary 2016. She told the Guardian of the probable presidential candidate, “Hillary Clinton would make a fine president. I also think that Bill would be an awful lot of help.”

8. She has a love-hate relationship with touring: Cher told “Today” that being on tour has major drawbacks. “I understand why guys in bands tear up hotel rooms and throw TVs out the windows, because it’s a very lonely place. The only time you have fun is at the concerts.”

9. She struggled with Chaz Bono’s sex change: She told CBS she was afraid of “losing” her daughter but that Chaz stayed the same person. She also told the Guardian that though she’d had friends before who had sex changes, it took Chaz to lend her a deeper understanding of gender politics.

10. Her tour starts next year: This will be Cher’s first tour in over eight years. The “Dressed to Kill” tour begins on March 22 in Phoenix, Ariz.