Come on, feel the duets – Metro US

Come on, feel the duets

Individually, Evan Dando and Juliana Hatfield were two of Boston’s biggest stars and most talented songwriters. He started with the Lemonheads and she with Blake Babies — and both became fixtures on MTV in the ’90s, capturing the imagination of alternative nation as an ‘are they or aren’t they?’ couple. The two are getting together as a duo for two shows of deep cuts, classics and covers that Hatfield says may challenge her memory a little.

Do you remember when the two of you first met?

It was 1986 or 1987, right around the time the Blake Babies and the Lemonheads started gigging and releasing our first records. Evan and I met by chance at Newbury Pizza. I went in to get something to eat and he was in front of me in the slice line and I had just seen the Lemonheads play the night before so I recognized him and introduced myself.

I heard the two of you might have had a falling out …

I got mad at Evan at some point and told him I didn’t want to be his friend anymore. It was all coming from me.

Whose idea was it to do these duet shows?

It was Evan’s idea, and I agreed to give it a try even though I had my mind set on quitting performing.

Did you worry about the chemistry being there?

I wasn’t worried about chemistry, just worried about remembering all the chords and words.