Ryan Phillippe’s daughter on the perils of having a hot dad – Metro US

Ryan Phillippe’s daughter on the perils of having a hot dad

Ryan Phillippe’s daughter on the perils of having a hot dad
Getty Images

Genetics have been very kind to Ryan Phillippe, who apparently doesn’t age. Which is super-awkward, as it turns out, for his teenage daughter, Ava. “It’s crazy. And still, I get carded constantly,” he tells Variety. “My daughter hates it because sometimes people have thought I’m her brother, and she’s freaked out by that.” I’m sure she’s also not so hot on him saying things like this to a major trade publication, but hey if you can’t mortify your 15-year-old daughter in print, what’s the point of being famous?

Also, it’s nice to know there’s now a male version of the Dina Lohan “people think we’re sisters!” thing.

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