Crossword puzzle answers: March 22, 2016 – Metro US

Crossword puzzle answers: March 22, 2016

Crossword puzzle answers: March 22, 2016

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Here is the crossword puzzle answer key featured in your Metro newspaper.

ACROSS1 Couch potato's option 6 Sigh or murmur 11 -- out (relax) 14 Coil or spiral 15 Ear pollution? 16 Rower's need 17 Burned up 18 Low-voiced woman 20 Kernel's quarters 21 Croissant 23 Brownies 24 Be in a shower 26 Dins 28 Bends 30 Tends the hens 31 Enticed 32 Frigid and Torrid 33 Caesar's law 36 Malt beverages 37 Horned animals 38 Do dock work 39 Leaf out 40 Road shoulders 41 Worm seeker 42 Long time 43 Colombia's capital 44 Tall cactus 47 Knight wear? 48 Missouri range 49 Be impatient 50 Genre 53 Type of squash 56 Wed secretly 58 Before, to bards 59 Rummage through 60 Beauty aid 61 Cheerful color 62 Hits hard 63 Ms. Sarandon
DOWN 1 Trendy 2 Space lead-in 3 Tattled 4 Afire 5 Put forth effort 6 Male relative 7 Cat's-paw 8 Pewter component 9 PST minus 3 10 Goes over again 11 Car import 12 Dinner guest 13 Make before taxes 19 Poor-box donations 22 Sighs of distress 25 Hatchets 26 Loose change 27 Wine sediments 28 "Spare tire" 29 Doozy 30 Gets frothy 32 Don Diego masked 33 Very difficult 34 Fix typos 35 Lawless role 37 Forward or reverse 38 Corp. symbol 40 Lab glassware 41 Tot's outfit 42 Round dwelling 43 Bikini half 44 Like a judge 45 Shade of blue 46 Like some communities 47 Gambling stakes 49 Mope 51 Links org. 52 Finely sharpened 54 Sugarloaf locale 55 Gridiron div. 57 Piniella of the diamond