Crossword puzzle answers: May 11, 2015 – Metro US

Crossword puzzle answers: May 11, 2015

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Here is the crossword puzzle answer key featured in your Metro newspaper.

ACROSS1 Baby goat 4 Kind of film 8 Relieved sigh 12 Lebowski's nickname 13 Melville opus 14 Sights for psychics 16 Remnant 17 Table nicety (2 wds.) 19 Gawked 21 Ocean dweller 22 Bug repellent 23 Waters in Paris 25 "Hud" Oscar-winner 27 Rental stables 31 Pizza eighths 35 Santa -- winds 36 Famed viol. 38 Newlywed's acquisition (hyph.) 39 Butterfly stage 41 -- boom 43 Airport exit 44 TV teaser 46 Inert gas 48 Ten-percenter 49 Venus' sister 51 Germane 53 Keep an eye on 55 -- -eyed 56 Memsahib's nanny 59 Sugar Ray stats 61 Short on iron 65 Gossip (2 wds.) 68 Frenzy 69 Boom-box issue 70 Podium feature 71 Fencing sword 72 Statistics 73 Zipped along 74 Summer hrs.
DOWN1 Russell or Vonnegut 2 Glimmering 3 Longitude unit 4 Pipelines 5 Ms. Thurman 6 Easy stride 7 Remembrance 8 Stovetop item 9 Leaping over 10 Huron neighbor 11 Ebb 12 Tooth pro's deg. 15 Mil. rank 18 French islands 20 What the walls have? 24 Office copier 26 Rope-a-dope boxer 27 Reindeer herders 28 Harden 29 Fog or steam 30 Not as wacky 32 Bow of the silents 33 Wolfed down 34 Cleaned house 37 Orders from the menu 40 February's stone 42 Nabbed 45 United 47 Flashy sign 50 "Lonely Boy" singer 52 Turned sharply 54 Campus buildings 56 "That Girl" girl 57 Kind of music 58 Vast region 60 Leave out 62 Explorer's sketches 63 Now -- -- it! 64 So-so mark 66 Legume 67 Just scrape by