Captain America is, well, not the average American.
Credit: Zade Rosenthal
According to an estimate from RealSelf, the online community for cosmetic surgery, the average man would need 11 proceduresadding up to $76,950 to get the modern superhero look, from the strong chin to bulging quads:
Forehead/hairline contouring: $6,000
Filler in the cheeks: $950
Chin implant: $4,050
Deltoid implants: $8,000
Bicep/tricep implants: $16,000
Pec implants: $8,200
Forearm implants: $5,000
Abdominal etching: $5,900
Quad implants: $8,000
Calf implants: $7,100
Butt implants: $7,750
Total: $76,950