The number of pets surrendered to the Calgary Humane Society has risen this year because of the economy, the animal shelter said yesterday.
Spokeswoman Pamela Amos said the shelter took in only nine surrenders last January, compared with 23 this January. Already this year, there have been 34 surrenders up until now.
“It’s definitely because of the economy. When people surrender their pets we ask them why and they have said it’s because they can’t afford them anymore,” Amos said.
Amos said surrendering pets is usually a last resort.
“It’s obviously really sad for them,” she said. “But at the same time, we’re glad they are bringing their pets to us instead of leaving them at the city limits.”
Dropoffs are not just restricted to dogs and cats; the shelter sees rabbits too, dropped off by people who can no longer afford their food, maintenance and medical bills.
Karen, who wished to withhold her last name, said she had to drop three cats off to the Human Society earlier this year.
“It was really sad for me,” she said. “But I didn’t really have a choice because my work hours were cut.”