Is Hope Hicks married? – Metro US

Is Hope Hicks married?

Soon-to-be-former White House communications director Hope Hicks has seen her personal life placed under a klieg light over the past few weeks: She was embroiled in Rob Porter’s departure as White House staff secretary after past domestic-abuse allegations came to light, and she recently resigned her own position the day after giving nine hours of closed-door testimony before the House Intelligence Committee in the Russia investigation. But the internet is primarily interested in one question: is Hope Hicks married?

So, is Hope Hicks married?

If you have a long-standing crush on the soon-to-be-former White House commications director, you’ll be happy to hear that the answer to is Hope Hicks married is no. At least not at the present time.

Who is Hope Hicks dating?

Hicks, a former model who has worked for the Trump family for three years (originally in PR for Ivanka Trump’s fashion brand), is dating Rob Porter at the moment, according to CNN and the Daily Mail. Both outlets reported the pair began seeing each other in January, when they were spotted at a D.C. restaurant and at church services together.

Hicks was involved in crafting White House chief of staff John Kelly’s response to allegations Porter abused two of his ex-wives, which called Porter “a man of true integrity and honor.” She was rebuked for that by President Trump, and Porter resigned the afternoon the statement was released.

is hope hicks married white house

Before dating Porter, Hope Hicks reportedly dated Trump’s former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, although he was still married to his wife at the time. Lewandowski has also been accused of violence against women, having been charged with battery by Florida police for roughly handling a female reporter during a Trump rally in March 2016. Page Six reported Lewandowski and Hicks had a “screaming match” on a New York City street after Lewandowski was fired from the campaign and Hicks chose to stay on.

What is Hope Hicks doing next?

Hicks has said she is resigning from the White House to “seek other opportunities” but has not said what those will be, or where she plans to be based.