Is the Easter Bunny real? – Metro US

Is the Easter Bunny real?

is the easter bunny real white house

If we’re getting really honest here, the Easter Bunny beats Santa Claus every time. It’s an adorable animal that brings chocolate (and, we suppose, those stale marshmallows that some of you like for some unknowable reason) and doesn’t ask for anything in return, like good behavior or a tray of cookies and milk. But is the Easter Bunny real?

NOTE: If you’re a kid, please exit this article and just enjoy your chocolate. The answer to is the Easter Bunny real can wait a couple years, and in the meantime there are lots of chocolates, jelly beans and marshmallows to be enjoyed. If you’re a parent or even an adult in a public place, please make sure there are no little kids around you who could potentially see the rest of this article.

So, is the Easter Bunny real?

Anyone who’s a parent knows that answering the question is the Easter Bunny real or is there an Easter Bunny is more complicated than a simple yes or no. But the issue might come up soon since Easter is right around the corner. In one sense the Easter Bunny is very real. Someone does indeed hand-pick Easter candies for kids, hide them lovingly around the house and the yard and fill a basket full of Easter grass that then (ahem) someone has to clean up when it’s strewn from the kitchen to the living room and back.

Although we both know that that’s really you and not a giant bunny that has a knack for satisfying people’s sweet tooth, shouldn’t it count?

is the easter bunny real

But if you’re looking for the technical, less touchy feely answer to is the Easter Bunny real, well then, no. The Easter Bunny is a figure from folklore and a symbol of Easter. And, by the way, the German Lutheran tradition from which we took the Easter Bunny is not all hidden eggs and chocolates. Much like Santa Claus, their “Easter Hare” was a judge of sorts, monitoring children’s behavior from the start of the Easter season to determine whether they deserved candies, toys and colored eggs.

We prefer the touchy feely answer. But what to tell your kids when they ask is the Easter Bunny real is another issue entirely; one that will hopefully not come up as long as there’s chocolate around.