Your last minute back to school 2018 checklist – Metro US

Your last minute back to school 2018 checklist

Your last minute back to school 2018 checklist

With most colleges beginning classes sometime next month, you probably already have the basics covered when it comes to your dorm-essentials. You’ve already picked out the posters and other decorations you are going to display in your tiny corner of your dorm. But, what are some of the things you may not have considered before heading off to your fall semester away from home? Here is your last minute back to school 2018 checklist.

back to school 2018

[Photo Credit: iStock]

Back to school 2018 checklist –  Make sure you have enough storage

A common thing a lot of students do when they first leave the nest an enter the dorm-life is abandon any idea of living a “zen life”. While it is exciting to bring all of your clothes and favorite decorations from your things from your life at home with you to school, you have to be conscious of the fact that you now have a roommate that you will need to spend as much space as you do. So make sure that proper closet and under the bed storage units are on your back to school 2018 checklist.

Back to school 2018 checklist – Get your flu shot before the Fall semester

This is crucial for any student going away for college as you will be thrust back into tight quarters with your fellow students right before flu season begins. According to a survey conducted by the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases in October 2017 among 1,005 US college students 18-24 years old, they found that “although most college students in the US (70%) believe it is important to get an annual influenza (flu) vaccine, less than half (46%) say they typically get vaccinated.”

Let’s face it. Some of the people you’ll meet at school may very well be those interesting students that will broaden your horizons and help you become the person you’ve hoped to become as an adult. But, do you really trust them to be proactive enough to get their flu shots before the Fall semester? I wouldn’t count on it. This is the time where you should be focused on your classes and the lay of the land at school instead of being laid out with some hacking cough you got from some dude down the hall.

Back to school 2018 checklist – Choose a bank that is close to your campus

This might seem like a pretty miniscule thing to think about, since it’s generally easy to find ATMs around most college campuses. But if you are trying to conserve money while away at school, you probably don’t want to be throwing money away on machines that are out of your bank’s network. To put in perspective, some banks will charge around $2.50 on top of the normal ATM fees for every time you decide to take out cash for delivery pizza. That will add up over time!  Also, by having a branch within a reasonable distance from your dorm, you will also be able to make deposits to your account in case you find a job close to campus or receive birthday checks from your grandma in the mail.