For a faster job search, a few things not to do – Metro US

For a faster job search, a few things not to do

Though many have mastered the art of quick consumerism via same-day shipping and doorstep delivery, we still struggle with expedited job shopping. In her new book, “Same-Day Résumé,” career expert Louise Kursmark offers valuable advice on minimizing time in the workless waiting room. “The key to speeding up the process is in nontraditional job search techniques,” says the author.

According to Kursmark, the best catalyst strategies involve do-nots rather than dos:

Do not be a cyber scavenger

“Not everything’s on the Web. In fact, most employers would rather not post a job online, because they’ll have to look over hundreds and hundreds of résumés and potential interviewees. They would rather ask around — staff, family, friends, business colleagues.”

Do not make an appearance

“You want to maximize your resources, one of which is time. In-person soliciting is very time consuming and usually doesn’t produce high payoffs unless your visit is specific and purposeful.”

Do not count on your current circle

“Expand your network and look into professional associations. You can make great contacts through these associations to establish who you are in the field and find others in your profession. If they know of jobs, they’re going to steer you in the direction of companies that are hiring.”

Do not slack off

“If you’re not currently working, your search should be a full-time job. Even if you’re in the interviewing process, you need to continue networking efforts, résumé polishing and industry research.”