How to remember anything – Metro US

How to remember anything

Brain scan

Try these tips from Nelson Dellis, who just placed second at the USA Memory Championship.

1. Think in pictures. The brain prefers pictures, not abstract images (numbers, names, concepts, etc). Turn whatever it is you are trying to remember into pictures.

2. Store them in a familiar place. Take your home, and mentally walk through it while placing the pictures of what you are trying to memorize along a specific path. Then when it comes time to recall the information, just mentally walk right back through the place and your pictures will be waiting there for you.

3. Think crazy, bizarre, funny, gory, erotic. Make those picture over the top and out of the ordinary. We remember those better.

4. Stay active. Your brain needs blood to work smoothly. Staying fit keeps circulation to the brain at its best.

5. Eat right. Include Omega 3 DHA in your diet. A lot of people think that fish or fish oil pills are the only way to get DHA but in fact there are algal (vegetarian) options. I take Life’sDHA Brain Armor, which is an algal DHA supplement for athletes.