Zits are the newest fashion trend – Metro US

Zits are the newest fashion trend

Zits are the newest fashion trend
Getty Images

Red is the new black, according to the fashion world.

Pimples are making a comeback, which means you don’t have to feel as guilty about not washing your face before going to bed. Malaysian designer Moto Guo decorated his models for Milan Men’s Fashion Week with inflamed, blemish skin, embracing a teen’s worst nightmare.

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A WWD reviewer described the designer’s “almost ridiculous and childlike” clothing as “nerdy grooming.” Whether the acne featured on the runway was au natural or simply enhanced with make-up is unclear, but either way a strong statement was made.

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Perhaps Guo wanted to support the Body Image Movement by facilitating body image activism and encouraging others to accept who they are, zits and all. Or maybe the designer wanted to stigmatize nerds with blackheads. Regardless of the intention, the bottom line is that pimples are in and cover-up is out.