Red wine kills social stress, and other nutritious news – Metro US

Red wine kills social stress, and other nutritious news

Red wine kills social stress, and other nutritious news

Next time you need some liquid courage in a social situation, reach for a glass of red wine. A new study out of the University of South Carolina found that the resveratrol, a natural chemical in the skin of red grapes, can block inflammation in the brain and ease depression-related symptoms for rats stressed by facing a bully.

What makes this study particularly interesting, according to research leader Susan K. Wood, is the discovery of resveratrol’santi-inflammatory effects influencing the mind. The link between depression and inflammation is a new field of study, and has the potential to improve the lives of 148 million Americans.

RELATED: Science proves what you and your end-of-day glass of red wine already know

“Certainly, there is a strong case being built … that inflammation is linked to depressive symptoms, and there is a great need for these findings to be validated in human studies,” Wood said.

Leafy green vegetables are back in seasonand should be on the menu for anyone concerned about age-related loss in brain function. A new study links the vitamin K abundant in spinach, kale, and collard and mustard greens to slower mental decline.

The team atRush University Medical Centerin Chicagofollowed 954 people for an average of five years; compared to those who didn’t eat any leafy greens, those who ate one or two servings daily had the mind of a person 11 years younger.

The researchers also cited lutein, folate and beta-carotene in leafy greens forhelping to keep the brain healthy.

The scientific community is still debating the virtues of saturated fat, but according to a new study, if it comes from dairy products, it could be cutting your risk of type 2 diabetes by as much as a fifth.

Researchers atLund Universityin Sweden analyzed the eating habits of 27,000 people and found that those who ate the most high-fat yogurt and cheese cut their chances of having type 2 diabetes by 23 percent. But the type of saturated fat mattered: People who ate a lot of red meat, on the other hand, had a higher risk of developing the disease.

The difference is believed to come down to saturated fatty acids, which are common in dairy products.