Local explorer challenges teens to ‘make a difference’ – Metro US

Local explorer challenges teens to ‘make a difference’

Adventurer, educator and world-renowned Canadian explorer Geoff Green has been to the North and South Poles about 100 times.

“It always continues to amaze me,” said Green, who makes his home in nearby Chelsea. “There are surprises around every corner. We never know if we’re going to see a polar bear or a pod of whales.

“These are places where Mother Nature is really in control,” he added. “It really puts things into perspective.”

But what keeps the experience fresh for Green, who has been leading expeditions for the past 17 years, is introducing students to those parts of the world.

“You can really see how it affects them. They come back so motivated, and wanting to change the world,” he said.

Through the Brita FilterForGood Eco-Challenge at filterforgood.ca, local teens can win a chance to experience the Arctic on one of Green’s expeditions.

Everyone can make a difference, said Green.

“I think it starts with making a personal commitment,” he said.

“And this is Earth Month, so it’s a timely period for people to make a difference.”

Even small steps — phasing out the sale of bottled water and recycling — matter, Green said.

“I think Canadians are moving in the right direction, but still have a ways to go,” he said.

“I think our country has to be a leader on the world stage. We certainly live on a planet that has challenges ahead for us.”