A comprehensive list of everything that could go wrong if you try to jump between subway platforms – Metro US

A comprehensive list of everything that could go wrong if you try to jump between subway platforms

Below, a comprehensive list of everything that could go wrong if you try to jump between subway platforms:

1. You could be hit in midair by a passing train.

2. You could fail the jump, and get electrocuted to death by the third rail.

3. You could fail the jump, get stunned by the third rail, and get hit by a passing train.

4. You could fail the jump and be immediately hit by a passing train.

5. You could fail the jump and injure yourself so badly that you are unable to get up, and then get hit by a passing train that arrives a little while later.

6. You could fail the jump and snag a piece of your clothing on the track, and then get hit by a passing train that arrives when you are still trying to free yourself.

7. You could fail the jump and lack the upper-body strength to pull yourself to safety, and then get hit by a passing train that arrives a little while later.

8. You could make the jump but have your momentum carry you down into the next track, where you could be hit immediately by a passing train.

9. You could make the jump but have your momentum carry you down into the next track, where you could be electrocuted by the third rail.

10. You could make the jump but have your momentum carry you down into the next track, where you could get stunned by the third rail, and then get hit by a passing train.

11. You could make the jump but have your momentum carry you down into the next track, where you could injure yourself so badly that you are unable to get up, and then get hit by a passing train that arrives a little while later.

12. You could make the jump but have your momentum carry you down into the next track, where you could snag a piece of your clothing on the track, and then get hit by a
passing train that arrives when you are still trying to free yourself.

13. You could make the jump but have your momentum carry you down into the next track, where you could lack the upper-body strength to pull yourself to safety, and then get hit by a passing train that arrives a little while later.

14. You could make the jump, and injure yourself upon landing.

So, in retrospect, these two got off relatively easy

(via Gawker)