De Blasio, Sharpton join rally outside Nigerian consulate – Metro US

De Blasio, Sharpton join rally outside Nigerian consulate

A crowd of activists, along with Mayor de Blasio and his family, congregated outside the Nigerian Consulate on Saturday to urge the country to safely rescue the 276 girls who were cruelly abducted by terrorists. Credit: nysmayorsoffice Flickr account Credit: Diana Robinson for the Office of Mayor Bill de Blasio

Mayor Bill de Blasio and Rev. Al Sharpton joined a group of activists who marched on the Nigerian consulate Sunday to pressure the country’s government to rescue 276 young girls kidnapped by terrorists last month.

De Blasio was joined at the protest by his wife Chirlane McCray and his daughter Chiara and said it was important for the girls to know the world was with them.

“We have to put pressure on those who would do something as dastardly, as horrible, as abducting young girls who have no reason to be in the middle of this conflict,” he said, according to theDaily News.

The militant group Boko Haram has threatened to sell the girls as brides.

Dozens of protesters marched from Harlem to the consulate on 44th Street and Second Avenue. Many carried signs bearing the hashtag “bringbackourgirls” and condemning Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan’s tepid response to the kidnappings.

Sharpton, who has been vocal on social media on behalf of the missing girls, said he was considering flying to Nigeria to continue his efforts on the ground there.

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