Escaped prisoner caught on SEPTA’s Market-Frankford Line

SEPTA police nabbed an escaped prisoner on the Market-Frankford Line yesterday shortly after the man got away from officers.

Authorities said Tony Tillman, 23, violated his probation for a drug arrest in 2011. At about 8:15 a.m., Tillman was shackled and handcuffed in a Warrant Unit car on South 12th Street, while officers transported another suspect inside to court. Somehow, Tillman was able to flee the vehicle and police were notified he might be heading for the Market-Frankford Line.

A short time later, SEPTA police found Tillman on an eastbound Market-Frankford Line train at the Berks Station. He was taken into custody without incident and turned over to the Warrant Unit outside SEPTA headquarters.

According to online court records, Tillman pleaded guilty in January to drug possession charges. He was sentenced to five years probation and ordered to pay a fine. A warrant was issued for Tillman on Aug. 28 after he failed to make payments.