Occupy Boston takes action after Hurricane Sandy – Metro US

Occupy Boston takes action after Hurricane Sandy

It’s been more than a year since Occupy Boston set up camp at Dewey Square, and since then some have wondered just how active the activist group is.

But on Friday, some of its members showed they are still energized to make a difference by launching ‘Sandy Relief-Boston’ to help victims of Hurricane Sandy in the New York tri-state area.

Since then, the grassroots relief effort has been able to send supplies to Brooklyn, Far Rockaway and Coney Island.

“We’re making a lot of progress. We sent two full car loads (Sunday),” said Josh Golin, one of the organizers. “We’re rapidly getting more items, and are making plans for more trips down.

Anne Wolfe, of Somerville, left for Brooklyn early Sunday morning, and arrived back in Boston late last night.

“It was quite a journey but it was worth it,” said Wolfe, who is planning another trip next weekend.

She and other Boston volunteers went door-to-door in Far Rockaway, doing “wellness checks.” Those victims told Wolfe they were grateful for the help.

“I think there is a common misconception that Occupy was only about very targeted political actions, but at the base is a desire to provide community, and to create a system of mutual aid. When something like (Hurricane Sandy) happens, you can see that foundation shine through,” Wolfe said.

Some of the items they are collecting include: blankets, candles, flashlights, batteries, water, food, towels, toiletries, disposable cameras to help victims document damage, and gas station gift cards to help organizers fuel the delivery.

Although it might be tempting to head to your closet to help, drop-off sites in New York City already have too much clothing, according to Sandy Relief-Boston organizers. However, winter wear like jackets, hats and gloves are still needed.

Organizers say they are in contact with Occupy Wall Street activists in New York City to stay updated on what is needed.

Occupy Wall Street activists in New York City recently started a website and volunteer campaign dubbed “Occupy Sandy,” which organizes drop-off locations for supplies and meeting points for people who want to volunteer at damaged parts of the city.

The deliveries being sent down from Boston are handed off to New York City Occupiers, Golin said.

“I think we were all so touched and concerned about people who have been devastated by Hurricane Sandy,” he said. “We were so inspired by the way Occupy Wall Street responded on the front lines, getting supplies and food to people who were affected.”