Mortgage Rates Friday, March 31: Holding Steady – Metro US

Mortgage Rates Friday, March 31: Holding Steady

Mortgage rates for30- and 15-year fixed home loans, as well as 5/1 ARMs, all held firm today, according to a NerdWalletsurvey of current mortgage rates published by national lenders Friday morning.

The stock and bond markets have had little to feed on lately, with tame economic reports and continued uncertainties in Washington. Mortgage rates are standing pat while lenders search for reasons to reprice.


(Change from 3/30)
30-year fixed: 4.31% APR (NC)
15-year fixed: 3.71% APR (NC)
5/1 ARM: 3.85% APR (NC)

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» MORE: How much home can you afford?

Homeowners looking to lower their mortgage rate can shop for refinance lenders here.

NerdWallet daily mortgage rates are an average of the published annual percentage ratewith the lowest points for each loan term offeredby a sampling of major national lenders. APR quotes reflect an interest rate plus points, fees and other expenses, providingthe most accurate view of the costsa borrower might pay.

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Hal Bundrick is a staff writer at NerdWallet, a personal finance website. Email: hal@nerdwallet.com. Twitter:@halmbundrick.

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The article Mortgage Rates Friday, March 31: Holding Steady originally appeared on NerdWallet.