Need to explain your major? Try one of these handy phrases – Metro US

Need to explain your major? Try one of these handy phrases

Need to explain your major? Try one of these handy phrases
Ingram Publishing

If you’re planning to go into law, business, engineering or med school, chances are you’re getting praised for making a “smart” career decision. Those of us who have chosen a degree with blurry career opportunities, such as a Bachelor of Arts, are most likely used to getting puzzled looks from relatives and friends.

“So what can you do with that degree?”

“Are there enough jobs in that field?”

“Does it pay well?”

“If you knew it was hard getting a job with that major, then why did you choose it?”

If you’re sick and tired of having to explain why you’re pursuing your passion, here are a few responses you keep under your sleeve.

“Any type of education is valuable.” No matter how irrelevant your major may seem compared to the “real world,” you have spent four years learning about a specific discipline, and there will be jobs where your knowledge will be needed.

“I have employable skills. I just need to find the right opportunity — like everyone else.”No matter what major you choose, just about every educational process teaches you critical thinking, research methodologies and coherent writing skills. And these tools are valuable to any job out there.

“I’m working on that now. Do you want to check back with melater?” Although it is a good idea to think about your options when you graduate (whether it is to get a job or internship, or go to grad school), you shouldn’t dwell on it throughout undergrad. College is an intellectually stimulating place where you can meet amazing people and flourish as a person. Take it one day at a time!

“If I think about the future too much, the more distracted I’ll be from the present.” This is a good one to say if you feel tired and want a firm, polite rebuttal. The most important thing to remember is to not let people bring you down because of what you’re studying.

TalentEgg isjob board and online career resource for students and recent graduates.