Bail ruling expected for accused in death of 16-year-old – Metro US

Bail ruling expected for accused in death of 16-year-old

The parents of a teenager killed outside the Surrey Central SkyTrain station will learn today if one of two people convicted in the murder will be paroled while she awaits a new trial.

Last month, a B.C. Supreme Court ordered a new trial for Katherine Quinn, 27, who had received a sentence of life in prison for second-degree murder in the beating death of 16-year-old Matthew Martins.

Quinn’s boyfriend, 30-year-old Robert Forslund, is also serving a life sentence for his role in the 2005 attack.

A previous bail hearing scheduled for July 3 was adjourned after Justice Pamela Kirkpatrick decided that there wasn’t enough evidence regarding Quinn’s progress in prison to make a ruling at the time.

If Quinn is granted bail, she will likely be released into the care of her parents, who live in the same neighbourhood as the Martins family.

The victim’s mother, Sandra Martins-Toner, has said that if Quinn is released she will be in constant fear for the safety of her other children.