Be a problem solver – Metro US

Be a problem solver

There has been a lot of talk in Canada lately about the need to develop technological innovations that address global warming. After all, since humans cause global warming by burning too much fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas, as well as destroying natural ecosystems that absorb and store carbon, it’s up to us to fix it.

Here’s the good part: Most technologies needed to usher in a clean and sustainable future are already available. Even better, many of these technologies are being developed right here in Canada.

Several years ago, the David Suzuki Foundation released Power Shift that showed with technology already available, Canada could reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by more than 50 per cent over 30 years. The key point was to make a start.

For example, we could significantly increase the average fuel efficiency of today’s automobiles, one of the world’s major sources of heat-trapping gases. In fact, there is already a great deal of momentum around the world. In Japan, automakers are required to improve the fuel efficiency of their vehicles by 20 per cent by 2015. And California’s Republican governor made history by passing some of the toughest vehicle standards in the U.S.

Together, we can make Canada a global warming problem solver, not a problem maker.

Take David Suzuki’s Nature Challenge and learn more at www.davidsuzuki.org.

David Suzuki & Dr. Faisal Moola

Dr. David T. Suzuki is an award-winning scientist, environmentalist and broadcaster. He is the co-founder of the David Suzuki Foundation in Vancouver where he lives with his wife and two daughters.