Book Pick: We Know What You’re Thinking – Metro US

Book Pick: We Know What You’re Thinking

We Know What You’re Thinking

Authors: Darell Bricker & John Wright
Publisher: HarperCollins Canada
Price: $19.99 (Paperback)

Darrell Bricker and John Wright make their livings by telling Canadians about themselves. Now, the high rankers at Canadian market research company Ipsos Reid have compiled choice data on regions, business and individuals, from the humorous through the serious to the shocking, in this new collection of homegrown facts and figures. They discover Albertans are more likely to take a parent to a movie date instead of Hollywood hotshots, Canadian women overwhelmingly prefer the beach for a romantic moment, most doubt the tenets of the environmental movement and Canadians generally don’t believe in ghosts, except in the Prairies, where most do.