Click to carpool – Metro US

Click to carpool

Wannabe car-poolers have a new tool at their disposal: a website that allows them to match up with new travel companions.

In an effort to cut down on the number of people who commute by themselves each day, HRM has launched HRMSmartTrip.ca. The website allows you to plug in where you come from and need to get to, and find others who take the same route. People can then e-mail and arrange car pools.

The site could be useful for people like Halifax nurse Lewina Gilbert. Gilbert has been using sites like Kijiji to try to find someone to ride along with her on her daily commute from Timberlea.

She’s found one commuter so far and says it’s been a great experience.

“Everybody wants to save money and help the environment, so why not? Put your money where your mouth is,” said Gilbert. “Certainly I’m going to start using (the site.) I didn’t know about it.”

Gilbert likely didn’t know about HRMSmartTrip because the municipality hasn’t started promoting it yet. The site was launched internally a couple months ago to test it, but is open to everyone. HRM plans to start advertising in the coming weeks with the lofty goal of having 20 per cent of the commuter force signed up.

“Now’s a good time. With gas prices going up, now’s the time to start heavily promoting it,” said HRM spokeswoman Roxane MacInnis.

The website can also set up public transit, cycling and walking buddies.
