Create a house of horrors – Metro US

Create a house of horrors

Want to turn your humble abode into a haunted house? Lifestyle expert Kelly Moore offers easy tips for eerie entertaining this Halloween.

Mummify your chairs

“Using tea bags and warm water, stain several rolls of white gauze to make it look like they’ve been buried underground for years. Simply wrap the chairs with the gauze and secure it in place using poster strips.”

Create a centrepiece with freaky literature

“Stack scary old books such as Frankenstein and Dracula on tables and benches in the home. Add a few candles on top of the stack to help add height and dimension.”

Invoke abandoned mansion chic “Stretch out thin layers of cotton and secure it in place using Command mini hooks. Then add plastic spiders and other creepy crawlers.”

Make eerie mood lighting

“Cut Halloween shapes, such as cats and bats, out of black construction paper. Then adhere them to the inside of an inexpensive lampshade using poster strips. When the lamp is turned on, spooky shadows will illuminate the room.”