Festival promotes green attitude – Metro US

Festival promotes green attitude

Leaving other cities green with envy — the Calgary Virgin Music Festival was more environmentally friendly than past music festivals.

Organizers of the event said that as the music festival continues to grow it will also grow greener each year.

“We’re very pleased with the efforts and the outcomes of the environmentally conscience festival,” chief marketing officer for Virgin, Nathan Rosenberg, said.

“We’re just trying to do our part, especially in this country where we are responsible for so much of the pollution in the world,” he added.

Virgin was encouraging garbage and recycling pick-up, with watchdogs ensuring people put the right stuff in the right place, and there were phone chargers powered by solar energy, among other things.

Sponsors and green friendly TD Canada Trust were at the festival and are already environmental leaders, according to manager of community relations Ellen Dungen.

“We’re always involving and engaging our customers in ways they can be greener and this festival was another way to do that as we know younger people are already learning to do their part in the community,” she said.